Saturday 5 September 2009

Morning Musume @ LA Anime Expo footage captacular :D

Bawwwww I waited so long for it T.T
Tv Tokyo aired it and it's finally out :DDD

So. without further rambling, picspam staato~ xD

I went 'WOOT ' seeing our dearest lovely starting the footage XD
Aww Gaki-san so cute in Ai-chan's concert color xD *_*
Are these from the premium dinner show? :O Only AiGaki are interviewed
(not that I complain though XD ❤)

Hi there American Wotas :DD
Before the concert, TanaKame were spazing backstage XD Cute :3
And the concert startssss~ 8D!
Yellow glowsticks FTMFW *_*
I don't need Mikan. I fucking need How do you like this Japan NOW.
It's a crime they didn't include it on the footage X_X!
WTF xDDD This made me LOL XD
Awww TanaMittsi on a date 8D (Gina would like this :D)
LinLin is so engrossed with the camera o_O
We get to see a shot of Ai-chan's sexy back :DDD
Does Ai-chan know how pretty she is? *_*
Awww AiSayuKame *_*
Gaki-san : *gasp* A NAKED MAN!!
Reina : *wonders* A wink won't make him go away right? ˙﹏˙
Ai-chan : *full speed* Must. Caught. On. Tape.
Ai-chan's camera is so cute *_*
Hanbaaga kajiri nagara~
You don't see Sayu shopping so often XD
GakiKame : A!!
Ai-chan : Damn lucky turtle ._. But guess who'll be sneaking
into Gaki-san's room tonight? +_+ Damn lucky monkey mwahaha ^O^TanaMittsi are still on a date X33 (Gina would love this too XD)
Does Ai-chan know how dreamy she is? T_T

Gaki-san feels lonely D:
'Bawwww Ai-chan where you are? T_T'Awww at JunLin & KameMittsi xD
Koha feels lonely D:
'Bawwwwwwww Sayu where are you? T.T' XDD Hahaha *points at first from the right* :D
Does Ai-chan know how cute she is? XDDD A wondahful memowees, wif youuuu!
Her english is cute as hell XD *_*
Mittsi is cheating on Reina O_O!
Koha doesn't seem to mind something landing on her butt though xD
Switch JunJun with Kame and you have Momusu's best 3 dancers *_*
I wonder if her face hurts after all that winking A_A
Here she seems she's in pain LOL! XD
Sekushi Beaaaaaaaam~!
Lmao JunJun ignored that oldie's hand XDD*Jealous on the oldie*
Does Ai-chan know how lovely she is?

Reina: Hm, I'll get some quality time tonight with this *smirk* Sayu : Bleh, I prefer this one :D
Reina : ROFL WTF xD You'll do nothing with that size XD
Eri : LET ME TOUCH IT. NOW.I'd kill for that piece of paper A_A!
*Jealous on the random wota*
I fuhing want to shake Ai-chan's hand too D: Baby : Sayumi~
Sayu : KYAAA
This part was so cute XDDD
Gaki's stylist is genius :O
Does Ai-chan know how fierce she is? :DDDamn lucky LinLin A_A
Great view she has over there :D
Ahaha cheeky GakiKame XDSwitch LinLin with Kame and you have momusus' best 3 dancers *_*
Why are the girls so nervous? o_OIt's Hollywood Bitches! B)
Does Ai-chan know how smexy she is? :DDDEri's thrusts can kill O_O!
XD Wow Wow Wow Wow
Ai, Risa & Reina trying to look sexy xD
Koha fails though =/
Ai-chan : *staaaaaaare*Then our girls go fangirl over random cosplays XDYou know what would have meant LinLin's skirt on Ai-chan right? XD
Extra money for the ambulances D: Wota blood loss...
Mittsi so cute X3Sayu : ~ You try to act cute.
Koha : Chuu~ Sayu : EW WTF You suck GTFO
Sayu : This is how you do it bitch XD
Usa-chan peaaace~! FUU~
Yuuki omotte tachiagare~!
_Koha wth you staring at :OThat random Ai-chan wota kills me XDDDJounetsu no kissu wo hitotsu..? =OJunko will kill you if you don't become her wota :DDDXDD LOL Ai-chan (& TakaGaki) fan : YOU ROCK :DSo this is how they end it XD

I'm really glad for them, that they were able to see Hollywood, do shopping like normal girls outside Asia, meet tons of fans up close xDD
I wish I was there though D=

At the end of the footage there was a live performance of Nanchatte Renai at the Hello Chanpuru~ Summer 2009 Concert. (please tell me it's not from the dvd, I do NOT like Ai-chan's hairstyle.)
If there's one thing I want to complain of, it's the small stage. LIKE WTF.

Why the hell would you put more than 45 idols on a small stage like this? D:
I love to see them performing on big stages :D With tons of wotas & tons of yellow t shirts :DDAi-chan's make up is great. Her hairstyle isn't D:
The blond hair straps rock though xD
& Off they go for Shouganai Yume Oibito xDD

By the way, here you have 2 pics with the hairstyle I ADORE on Ai-chan xD

Ada wants the summer concert nao D:

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