Sunday 20 September 2009

Mechaike Kusojo 2003

You know what happens when Ada is bored xD

This video is from autumn 2003, right after the release of Shabondama~

There was something similar in spring 2003, when a momusu (ain't tell you which one :D, in case you didn't see it) was ranked Bakajo (Stupid girl) after failing at a test XD But that's boring so let's go to 2003 Autumn mwahaha XD

Picspam starto~
They tricked the momusus in again, lol XD ^ I absolutely love this guy XD
Johnson appears first XD Her reaction is no different from last time xD
Nacchi is clearly disgusted, but just has to put on that bright smile
While Nono is laughing her ass off in the back, Aibon seems a bit interested :D
Rika : I can't believe it. This guy again?!
Yossie : WTF O_O Don't worry babe, it's easy to cheat at tests nowadays.
AiGaki have no idea how to react xD
Risa : Oh, good thing Nacchi's here
Miki : Wtf dude why did you call me here?
Eri : Urgh, he scares me.
Reina : Actually he's pretty smexy o_O
Lmao XD Mari knew what was going on XD

So basically, they're gonna participate in a sports festival, and the one with the lamest results will be crowned as the Crap Girl xD
Their reactions are priceless XD
On the other hand, Gaki thinks it's a good idea :O
The teams were decided in the previous Mechaike event.
Class A has Johnson, KonKon, Makoto & Miki (replacing Kei-chan)
Class B has Ai-chan ❤, Marippe, Charmy & Nacchi
Class C has Aibon, Yossie, Gaki-san & Nono
And class D are the newcomers xD
Yossie the Pimp makes his/her o_O move on Nono XD
@Aibon : This isn't the time to cool down your stress A_A
Kame snatches the finish line nicely xD
Mwahaha in the second race Ai-chan beats up Miki badly xD
Marippe saw a a porn magazine around there and threw herself in a
galactic speed over the finish line xD
Nono is fast :O
Ha! Ai-chan knows how it is to be one of the best XD
:O N-I-C-E.
BAWWWW she knowcked it down T_T
If it wasn't porn, was it a coin? A_A
or alcohool?
Whoa, Ai-chan makes it the second time
Rflmaooo XDD Flying body attack XDDD
Urgh, whatever *rolls eyes*
With those long legs, Johnson jumps over the hurdles easily while Kago
impersonates planes far behind.
Kame is fast :O
Ai-chan knowcked down a hurdle, but....
... she still beats the crap out of Miki xD
Yossie looks like a granpa XD
Rambo ga kimashita xD
AiMiki neck to neck everytime XD
Mari takes the lead while Sayumi is a lazy ass. xDD
Johnson : God! It's huge D:
Nono & Yossie's reactions when someone gropes certain areas :D
They brought Gariko because team D only has 3 members.
The Cavalry Battle begins! Nono attacks Miki with team D & B approaching
Reina snatched Miki's hat. Team A is out :D

Mari jumps on poor Nono & eliminates team C
Now the real battle begins. Team B vs. team D
Rflmao at Ai-chan's hand XDD No wonder Mari can't concentrate well :D
Charmy's charming face makes Gariko happy :D
Lucky Gariko XD
Mari gets more and more excited from all that groping and ...
...she still can't win over the 13 year old A_A
Charmy brings Gariko a nice orgasm and Mari wastes no time in snatching
Reina's hat and placing first XD Ha!
The next event is the relay xD
Thanks to Ai-chan & Mari team B is in the lead.
But Miki passes Charmy with....
... a perv fatass following close behind.
I won't tell you who won xD Watch it dor yourself X3
The last challenge is the huge rope XD
*bounce, bounce, ...*
Bawww Ai-chan made her first mistake and they had to start again D:
Don't worry sweetie
ARGH! They almost had it! if it was't for Sayumi....
How about some regret on your face? A_A You triped 3 times!

Kago is simply desperate. She wants it now :D
Yaaay! After more than 30 minutes of jumping, they made it XD
Bawww T_T
AiMiki staredown xD
Sensei whores it up for the camera xDD
Aww at Miya & Saki
Who knew back then they'll become so hot? :D
Ahahaa they're laughing at their ancestors XD
Lmao XD Chubby Chiisa
Now the festival results xD
Miki has the golden medal A_A
Even though Ai-chan was always in front of her....
... Ai-chan's mistake at the high rope brought her down with 5 points.

Good job x3

Why yes, Ai-chan is the best leader because she learned from the best xD
ROFL XD Crap Girllll~

For those who didn't watch it :

lol XD it's way too funny XD I wish they'll do things like this nowadays too D:


  1. XDDDDD ROFLMAOOOOOOOO XD las pics tsunku! vams a poner momusu atropelladoras xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD JAJAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  2. That was XDDD

    Is it on the H!P tracker, I so wanna watch it

  3. ^ there you go XD

  4. Links are dead. Does anyone have this video?


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